About Kavi Hasta Massage

The history behind Kavi Hasta Massage School: A trademark of Thai massage in Greece! 

Thai Massage in Greece Kavi Hasta logoThe idea of Kavi Hasta Massage and Kavi Hasta Massage School came to life after I met a fellow Thai masseur for treatment. It was back in 2007 when Yannis and I decided to exchange treatments. From the very first time we met, it became apparent that we both had the same intuitive views on treatments and how a Thai massage should be performed. That was no surprise as we shared some common background in our studies. What really bonded us, though, was our mutual love and respect for this ancient form of healing art and the need to take it a step further.

Exchanging treatments became a norm for us, as we both benefited from each other’s attentive sessions. Every time we met, we had something new to discuss regarding techniques and their results. A couple of years later, we decided to join our treating and teaching styles to make this healing art known to as many people as possible. We started brainstorming about the school’s name and what we wanted this name to represent. It wasn’t very hard to come up with an idea. We both believe that the essence and the quality of the treatment lie in the ability of the practitioner to “see” inside the receiver’s energy system using the hands. We both believe that many of the healing arts have their roots in ancient India, so the use of Sanskrit words was apparent. We came up with Kavi Hasta, which, to the best of our knowledge, meant “insightful hands”. A friend specializing in Sanskrit translation informed us that it also means “poet’s hands”. That was it! Since we both see treatments as a poetic meditative act we felt it in our souls that this was what we were looking for.

Alexander Stavrinos